"The Magic of Making Up" review, "How To Get Her Back For Good" review, and "Ex 2 System" review

As promised, here are my reviews for the three best e-books on the web right now (in my opinion) for getting back your ex girlfriend. I actually bought eight altogether, but I decided to just review the three that had the most useful information and provided the best overall value. This way I can hopefully save some time that you'd otherwise spend sifting through all the info out there and just point you to the best stuff. So without further ado, here are my unbiased reviews.

The Magic of Making Up

  • Has a good track record and lots of testimonials as to how well it works
  • Has some great techniques to get your ex to feel instantly re-connected with you.
  • Explains how to make an extremely effective apology (I actually used this myself, awesome technique!)
  • Author is trusted and well-known online

  • Information is generalized for both sexes; not tailored specifically for getting back a girlfriend
  • Has some "fluff" material

"The Magic of Making Up" has been around for a couple years now and is one of the most popular e-books out there on relationships, probably THE most popular one for winning back an ex. The author, T.W. Jackson is a very likeable guy and a well respected online personality. There are a zillion other positive reviews out there for this book and with good reason....it's a darn good e-book! It has some great techniques such as "the instant re-connect technique" and also one for an EXTREMELY effective apology, both of which I have personally used with success.

There are a few cons I will point out. I'm pretty sure most of you visiting this blog are looking to get back your ex-girlfriend, and this is a very good e-book to help with that, but the information is generalized for getting back either an ex-girlfriend OR boyfriend, so it's not targeted just for women's psychology. Also, he does have some fluff material that's worth skipping (in my opinion, judge for yourself). For example, a good portion is dedicated to eating properly and exercising, which is good advice for keeping up your mood and energy level, but are not actions that will directly help with patching things up with your ex. Also, the author is not a psychologist or relationship expert, though he does have real world experience (and who's to say that doesn't count?).

Click here to learn more about "The Magic of Making Up".

How to Get Her Back For Good

  • 5 different strategies tailored to specific types of relationships
  • Includes different real life case studies
  • Author is a doctor and wrote this e-book based on personal consultations with over 1200 men
  • Includes specific help for ultra short-term relationships (under a month) and also long-distance relationships
  • Goes into detail on the reasons why women break up with men

  • Lengthy read (118 pages), a little too wordy in parts that could be condensed

"How to Get Her Back for Good" was written by Dr. George Karanastasis and is based on his experience helping over 1200 men repair their relationships. He outlines five different strategies based on factors such as how long the relationship lasted and whether or not contact can be avoided (like if you have kids together, work or live together, etc.). He also includes real life case studies and various flowcharts and diagrams. It definitely has the most "scientific" feel out of the three e-books, which may be a negative to some as it's a relatively long book and the reading is kind of dry at times. Personally, I liked the fact that this book is based on pure solid research and experience. The author repeats himself some and I felt the book could be a lot shorter, but the info contained here is pure gold and proven to win back the heart of your ex.

Click here to learn more about "How to Get Her Back for Good".

The Ex2 System

  • Audio version is included
  • Bonus book included on maintaining your relationship after getting back together.
  • Short and gets to the point
  • Written by a pickup artist who knows what attracts women

  • Some of the techniques could be considered unethical

"The Ex2 System" was written by Matt Huston, a pickup artist who happens to hold a masters degree in psychology. He gets down to the nitty gritty of what attracts women, what doesn't attract women, and what exactly needs to be done to get your ex-girlfriend back. The book could actually double as a pickup guide, since much of it is devoted to explaining how to peak a woman's interest. The book is organized very well into small sections, which makes for easy navigation and skipping to exactly what you want to know about (though you will want to make sure and read all of this, trust me).

Also included are an audio version, and companion book "How to Train Your Girlfriend", which focuses on what to do to KEEP your girlfriend once you have her back. Yes, the title may be slightly offensive, but make no mistake, the info contained is highly effective, and in my opinion worth the price of the whole package just by itself.

The one negative thing about The Ex2 System is that some of the techniques are sneaky, and one in particular is downright dishonest - he says to create a fake myspace profile with pics of an attractive girl, from which you post suggestive comments to your own myspace page in an effort to make your ex jealous. Of course this is subject to your own values, and you can certainly discard the sneaky stuff if you want since most of what is discussed in the book is perfectly ethical, not to mention extremely effective!

Click here to learn more about "The Ex2 System".

I can't really say which of these three is the best, all of them are excellent in their own right and get my personal thumbs up. I would recommend looking at each of their individual sales pages and deciding for yourself which is the best fit for you, you certainly will not go wrong with any of these e-books. So go ahead and pick one, or go with all three since they all have money back guarantees if you're not happy for whatever reason. I personally devised a strategy based on techniques from all of them, but any one of these by itself will give you a very good chance at winning back your girlfriend. Happy reading and good luck!