You CAN get her back......but first, calm down!

I'm sure most of you stumbled on this blog because you just got dumped. I am going to help you, but first I need you to STOP panicking and do this right now. This is not BS, do not just ignore this part, DO IT RIGHT NOW!!

  • Take 10 slow, deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Do the Karate Kid hand motions too if you like.

  • Read this next sentence to yourself out loud, and BELIEVE IT. "I am in control of my emotions, and I contol my own reality". Do not question this. Do not just pass it off as some touchy feely mumbo jumbo. BELIEVE IT!

  • Keep saying that to yourself and go get yourself a glass of ice water, then read on.

Who am I? I'm just an average guy like you who has girlfriend problems. I'm not a relationship expert, and I'm not a psychologist. But I AM someone who recently got dumped, then learned what needed to be done to win her back. I also shared what I learned with a couple buddies of mine, and they were also successful in getting their girlfriends back. (yes I have quite a few friends who are good at getting dumped lol) So here I am writing this blog......hopefully I can help a few of you poor souls by explaining how I figured out how to get back my girlfriend.

Ok, down to business. I'm going to give you the single, most important piece of advice for you to use right now and you absolutely have to trust me on this. DO NOT contact your ex in any way, shape or form! No calling, no texting, no e-mailing, no comments on myspace, facebook, etc. Do not bump into her out somewhere "accidentally" and do not relay messages to her through other people. Do not contact her AT ALL!!

At least half of you will ignore this and contact your ex anyway. Don't be one of those people, you will be digging your own grave! I know this will be very hard to do, but you came here for some advice right? Just do this and trust me for a while.

The reason you need to avoid contacting your ex right now is because you are an emotional wreck. If you try to contact her, you will say or do the wrong thing and screw up your chances, I guarantee it! Before you take any action, you absolutely need to be in the proper state of mind or you will come off as desperate or needy.......and trust me, you DO NOT want this. The only way you will get your ex back is by ATTRACTING her, not acting like a lonely and depressed wussy! Think about it, is telling her how sad and lonely you are going to make you seem attractive to her? NO!!!! So you have to go against your instincts to whine, cry, beg, plead and whatever unattractive behavior you feel compelled to do. When you just get dumped, it's really hard to NOT do anything like this and it will slip out one way or another. That's why you just have to avoid contact with her for now.

Now here's the good news! You attracted her once right? So that means you have it in you to do it again! I'll bet anything that you don't act the same way now as when you first got together with your ex, and that's most likely the reason why you got dumped, because you stopped being the attractive person that got her in the first place. So basically what you will need to do is start acting like the guy you were when you first started dating, and stop doing whatever you did to make her lose attraction for you.

Like I said, I am not an expert, so rather than try to rehash what I learned and try to explain it all to you myself, I'm going to point you straight to the source of information that showed me how to get back my girlfriend.

When I got dumped, I scoured the internet for help just like you are right now and bought a ton of ebooks on winning back ex girlfriends. A lot of these books weren't of much help, but a few were extremely useful, and were the key to winning back my girlfriend. So what I'm going to do here is give my personal reviews on 3 top notch books that I read and save you a lot of time looking on the internet. Hopefully I will be getting those reviews up here within the next few days so check back soon.

In the meantime.......DO NOT contact your ex!!!! It's gonna suck, I know, but you have to keep cool for now so you don't do anything stupid. Hang out with your buddies, work some overtime, anything to distract yourself from thinking about your ex. I will get those reviews up here ASAP, so hang tight for just a little is on its way!